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Managing Employee Productivity in 5 ways
FarsightCompanies are unwilling to increase spending, investment on employee engagement in current sluggish economy. On the contrary, keeping up productivity in such a gloomy environment is a challenge. Farsight consultant suggests some best practices which could increase productivity of employees without spending much..
Career conversations with employees Uncertainty and lack of information around employee’s career make him/her concerned and negatively impacts employee productivity. Filling communication gaps of job termination or other apprehensions, ensures right engagement of employees. This also proves organization’s commitment towards its employees and bolsters its demand from employees for mutual growth, says HR consultant, Farsight IT Solutions..
Show future roadmap to employees Employees are very picky about their role or function affecting their careers. Organizations which bring in better articulated role descriptions churn out higher productivity. Organization shares how productive employees have been achieving fast-track roles and higher remunerations. Farsight consultant says, ’employees who are aware about their future in the organization, go beyond the call of duty and become more productive..
Make an emotional connect Make Job more than a routine; organizations that are able to establish the emotional connect to the cause of the role of employees are likely to get more productivity. Cultural and sports events are best ways to build emotional connections..
Encourage competitive instinct Provoking employees’ competitive instinct is the best way to capitalize on their strengths. Farsight consultants suggest competitions which encourage employees for ideating for better customer service, matured processes or even increase their day-to-day response time; it can contribute significantly to organizational productivity. .
Managing employee healthFarsight HR Consultant believes employee health is directly proportional to employee productivity! Employee health management has become a key practice area. Organizing health-related conversations with experts and activities like group trekking, employee marathons, weekends yoga with colleagues, supports in ameliorating stress and building bonds, thus, bolster productivity. .